your birthdate essence families
For each Birthdate number ranging from 1 to 9, there are Essence Families which tend to be the most appropriate.
They are not ranked in any particular order but these are the ones that you will find to be the most useful for your life. It would be of value to consider keeping some of these on hand.
Or you could keep some of the Quality Essences that have a significant number of these Essences Families included in their makeup.
Birthdate Number and the Most Appropriate Essence Families
1. Tree Bark, Homoepathy, Seed, Shoot
2. Falling Leaf, Homoepathy, Shell, Summer Leaf
3. Tree Bark, Flower, Gem Elixir, Shell
4. Aquatic plant, Aura-Soma, Root, Summer Leaf
5. Flower, Gem Elixir, Homoepathy, Root
6. Tree Bark, Falling Leaf, Root, Seed
7. Aura-Soma, Falling Leaf, Flower, Gem Elixirs
8. Gem Elixir, Homoepathy, Seed, Snow-Modified Australian Flower
9. Tree Bark, Falling Leaf, Snow-Modified Australian Flower Essence, Summer Leaf