about us

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Our passion is essences, particularly new types of essences, primarily derived from plants. These new types or what we prefer to call “families” of essences have different qualities and potentials as compared to the traditional flower essences, gem elixirs and homoeopathic remedies. We have spent much of our time over the last 13 years doing research on these new essences.

Our research is vital and ongoing. We have been excited and amazed at these new essences, as have many practitioners and clients worldwide. We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about essences ….about where they fit in the greater picture of healing and how they enhance and interact with other branches of healing, such as nutrition and diet, Tai Chi and Yoga … about which kind of essence is best to use in a given situation, and why.

This exciting journey has taken us far beyond existing knowledge and understanding into a brave new world of discovery. We invite you to join us in this epic journey as you explore our website, our publications, and the new essences -  the amazing world of Advanced Alchemy.      


Quality Essences

Different Essence Families


Quality Creams






The Key Personnel


The Trade Mark and its Origins

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Advance Alchemy trademarkCopyright 2007 - 2008 Advanced Alchemy Pty Ltd


The health and lifestyle information on this website should be considered as a general guideline only. It should not be relied on as a substitute for specific professional advice. Our essences are intended to facilitate your personal growth and emotional wellbeing. In the event of illness or persistent symptoms the advice of your health care professional should be sought.

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