For example, remember our Birthdate Number 1 person. They were sensitive, delicate constitution who tended to be overly affected by external energies and people. Often gifted, highly intuitive types. They needed OriginalAA Tree Bark Essences for protection and uplifting, primarily. When we look at Birthdate 1 under Quality Essences and your number, it hardly surprises us, then, that Boundaries is the first Quality Essence suggested! Bear in mind also that this person with Birthdate number 1 has some tricky issues to deal with.
Sensitive to the world and of delicate energetic susceptibility, they also have a lot of creative energy which they tend to suppress. Hence the need for OriginalAA Seed Essences to germinate some of that hidden potential!
Hardly surprising that this person needs Wisdom Cream primarily to help sort out these complex issues!