flower essences - strengths and weaknesses
Flower essences bring the vibrancy and fullness of creative energy of the summer season. The brightness and strength of the summer season expressed through the flower essence can give a person a 'lift', just as beautiful flowers at a wedding or funeral lift and elevate the atmosphere. Flower essences are ideal essences with which a person can begin their journey in the world of essences.
However, flower essences have clear limitations. Flower essences are made from flowers which are a superficial structure of the plant. Flower essences tend to be superficial in their action and so often lack the depth and penetration of action to deal effectively with stubborn problems. Flowers are also a temporary, ephemeral structure of the plant, often lasting only days, weeks or a month or two. Thus, flower essences tend mostly to bring temporary benefit, which 'wears off' after a period of time. Hundreds of flower essence takers have brought this criticism back to our ears over the last two decades.
Here at Advanced Alchemy we acknowledge and love flower essences, but are generally more interested in essence families which have more enduring and permanent effects. We also believe in putting our time and energy into areas which will expand our knowledge of vibrational medicine. Why put valuable resourses into areas where there are already great practitioners at work already.
We spend our time with essences made from more permanent or enduring structures of the plant, such as tree bark, leaves, and roots. We consider Tree Bark Essences to have the greatest utility to the needs of the Twenty First century.