levels of essence action - the value of the depth model.
This depth model with different levels is actually a gross simplification of reality. For example, depth isn't the only consideration. The type of action which flower essences and OriginalAA Lambert Falling Leaf Essences have at the same depth is actually quite different.
The value of this depth model is to point out that several different essence families are needed to span the range of levels of problems. The model points out that it is simplistic nonsense to believe that one particular essence type, be it flower essences or OriginalAA Root Essences, is capable of meeting the full spectrum of need. Ultimately, that's just basic common sense.
Generally speaking, an essence which isn't deep enough for the problem at hand will produce only a temporary benefit. When the essence is stopped, the problem rears its ugly head again. The real test of whether the depth is right is whether the benefit is maintained if after a reasonable period, the essence is discontinued.
An alternative approach is to use combination essences such as our sixteen OriginalAA Quality Essences which have a wide range of essence families discussed above within them to support inner growth. This means that they are able to act at the appropriate level, be that shallower or deeper, according to need.