It is via our hands that we express much of our creativity. Whether we are going to write, paint, play a musical instrument or hang out the washing, our hands are vitally important. Our hands are also vital in indicating to ourselves and to others our direction in life, as indicated by our ability to point using our fingers, or to shake hands indicating a direction of agreement. This cream not only helps nurture the skin on our hands, but helps energy to flow through our hands as it naturally should. That is another way of saying that Hand Cream can greatly assist our creative expression.
Constituent Essences :
Tree Bark Essences Quercus palustris Liriodendron tulipifera Liquidambar styraciflua
Root Essences Quercus phillyraeoides
Snow-Modified Australian Flower Essences Viola hederacea Micromyrtus ciliata Thryptomene calycina Hibbertia cistiflora |
Falling Leaf Essences Salix babylonica Malus ioensis Betula pendula | Pure hypoallergenic
Constituent essences in spring water, Almond, Macadamia and Coconut oils, Cocoa Butter, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Rosemary based antioxidant, vegetable glycerine and emulsifying wax.
Application: First, you don't need to apply all that much to get the desired effect. This is because the essences do the real work, and they are effective in low doses. As a general guideline, you may need about a third of the quantity you are used to using with other creams. Note too, the cream dabbed on a spot will generally have a four to six centimetre radius of effect around that spot.
Second, it is also suggested as a general rule that they be applied twice daily.
Size: 60g Jar
Price: $29.95 All prices in Australian $ (AUD) and include GST. (approx. USD$26.70, Euro€19.00, and GBP£13.15) Click here for Currency Conversion
NOTE: for countries outside Australia the GST component is rebated back into Cheaper postage prices.